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Over the past several years we have been blessed to join forces with with organizations such as Giving Back Life with the mission to help and love the hundreds of thousands of abandoned children and orphans in China. We are honored to have Giving Back Life. Heartlight Minisries with a mission to reach out to troubled teens, healing families. Each of our authors graciously share their works of love, hope and caring with the childabuse.com community. Below is a sample of current articles from each of our terrific authors. Visit the Author's Corner for more articles and information about the author.

Childabuse.com Recommended Resources

Childabuse.com & PreventFamilyViolence.com visit our Blog here>>

Lindsey Baum  missing 10 year old from Seattle, WA read her story here

Shards of Glass-A Little Girl's Journey Back into Her World of Physical, Mental and Sexual Abuse [Kindle Edition] available on Amazon Today! press here>>

Southern Arizona Against Sex Slavery Read how one community is taking back their streets

Nancy Kilgore, MS author, advocate bringing awareness to Sibling Abuse Girl in the Water

Understanding Panic disorders & Poor Self Esteem in kids, teens & adults

Self Esteem Coaching for Children, by Dr. Joe Rubino

Panic Disorders resolving Anxiety, by Dr. Barry McDonagh

Childabuse.com - child id kits keep your child safe; panic disorders & self esteem builder online Resource

Childabuse.com- Take Charge!

Take charge of your life! You have much to gain! Happiness! Love! Freedom from fear! Spend a moment and explore the new Childabuse.com. You will be glad you did. Here you will find several professionals to help you take charge of your life. The focus of Childabuse.com is to help you connect with others who share their stories of healing, hope and survival as they face the challenges of everyday life.

Self Esteem Coaching, by Dr. Rubino's teaches you the skills necessary to help children manage their stress, manage frustration, and more. read more

Parenting Your Toddler through the Terrible Two's and beyond, by Chris Thompson helps you with parenting techniques to bring peace to you and your child read more

Panic Disorders resolving Anxiety, by Dr. Barry McDonagh helps you deal effectively with panic & anxiety attacks. read more

"Some of us dream of success...
   others take charge and become success!"

myChildabuse.com tutuorials give you the tools
to help heal your life & take control of your destiny!

Premier Author- Mark Gregston, Heartlight Ministries

Mark Gregstrom's legendary work with teens began in 1978 as youth minister in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Their involvement also with Young Life moved them to open their home to work with teens who were struggling through crisis family problems.
Mark's Corner- Insights & Wisdom read more>>

Heartlight Resources

Heartlight ebooks & reader downloads

New Day, New Hope

Share your stories of hope, and love.

Child Slavery &
Sex Trafficking

Child Sex Slavery- sexual exploitation of children in violation of Human Rights Vienna Declaration

Parenting Self-help

Self esteem, Anxiety, Parenting Toddlers through Terrible Two's, Troubled Teens

Child Abuse Resources

What's abuse, trust & your child, shaken baby, bullying, teen suicide, help for kids & parents.

April- Child Abuse Prevention Month

Child abuse prevention is a 365 day, 24/7 A Work of Love! Learn more here.

Child Help National Hotline

Call 1-800-4-A-CHILD. Hotline Staffed 24/7 by Certified Degreed Counselors. Get Help

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